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Solving the Microservices/Monolith Dilemma.

Current Approaches are Broken.

Monolith codebases inevitably experience code sprawl, and become tightly coupled "balls of mud" as they grow.

Teams reach for microservices to solve this, but this approach brings a whole new set of challenges. The complexity of managing your application balloons.

The Modular Monolith.

By separating a monolith into decoupled modules with well defined interfaces, you get the benefits of microservices without the immense complexity that comes with it.

Our first tool, Tach, lets you do just that.


Written in Rust, with no runtime impact to your application.

Fast And Efficient - Devio X Webflow Template

Open source

Permissively licensed and available for free.

Beautiful And Easy To Use Interface - Devio X Webflow Template

Incrementally Adoptable

Modularize what you want, leave what you don't.

AI Autocomplete - Devio X Webflow Template


Add to CI, as a file watcher, a pre-commit hook, VS Code extension, and more.

Always Iterate - Devio X Webflow Template